Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Day After

During our family Friday night dinner, the children asked my husband and I where we were when we realized American was being attacked on 9/11. I review that day several times a week, so being asked to repeat my tiny experiece of that day if very easy: calling daddy right away, glued to the TV, not being able to reach my own father up north, after flight 93 crashed going out into my southern yard to see if any planes were falling out of the sky above me...and my baby taking her first steps, and being shaken awake in terror  that night by a military plane flying over our home. My oldest daughter then asked us, "And what about the next day? What was that day like?" I sat there for a moment not being able to recall one memory of 9/12. Then my husband and I replied in unison: "It is still the next day."

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