Sunday, April 10, 2011

Playing The Trump Card.

Poker fight at Taj Mahal Atlantic City reults in murder

I don't have a lot to say about a possible Donald Trump presidential run, expect that I am not at all surprised. I saw this coming years ago. I do have something to say about his recently revealed "birther-ish" sediments.  No one can deny that Mr. Trump’s doubts about President Obama’s birth place have everyone talking. We are talking about it, because we can't help but wonder ourselves why this issue hasn't been resolved by simply making the certificate of birth public.

 What could be on the document that would hurt the president and/or the Democratic Party?  Place of birth? Maybe the president wasn't born at all, but under the wise eye of Harry Reid, was created as the "perfect progressive American male" at Area 51. That would explain why his medical records, also, have not been released.  Birth name? Maybe his birth name is Twelfth Imam.  This would clearly answer questions regarding Obama’s religion. Maybe it is the name of his parents they don't want the world to know? Is his father Moammar Gadhafi? Gadhafi does refer to Obama as "son". Or maybe he was born later than 1973 and therefore not the eligible age to run for president in '08? If the President is 12 years younger than he claims....well then, no wonder no one remembers him from ANY SCHOOL he ever attended!  This would also provide an explanation as to why his academic records must be sealed!

Of course, I don't actually believe the above suggestions are the truth. I do think that Donald Trump is taking advantage of our wild imaginations and suspicious minds to get A LOT OF PUPLICITY!  This attention has won him 2nd place in the at least one hypothetical poll.

I doubt Donald Trump has a chance of winning the conservative ticket.   I do agree with Mr. Trump that if it does comes out that Mr. Obama is not eligible to be president of the United States this would be the biggest hoax in US history. If Mr. Obama and team did dupe  all  most of America, then I have to wonder...of all the political cards played, could the birth certificate trick get Trumped? And if it did could it end the games of corruption and win America back into the hands of her people?

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