Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Make Haste to Find Community!

The Holy Gospel According to Saint Luke (1, 35-45)
In those days Mary arose and went with haste into the hill country, to the city of Judah, and she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. And when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, and she exclaimed with a loud cry, "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! and why is this granted me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? For behold, when the voice of  your greeting came to my ears, the babe in my womb leaped for joy. And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfilment of what was spoken to her from the Lord.

Reflection: We learn from the second Joyful Mystery the importance of having a Catholic Community. Mary was most faithful and trusting, accompanied by angels, filled with the Holy Spirit and Full of Grace...and yet, God knew She needed the support of a loving and believing friend.

Mary was sent to Her cousin Elizabeth, but their bond would be much more than familial. Elizabeth's own baby was, too, miraculously conceived and also pre-announced by the Angel Gabriel. Their experiences were so similar and their missions were so closely related that all Mary had to do was say, "Hello," and Elizabeth instantly knew and understood why Mary was there. No explanations needed.

Prayer: Mother Mary,  be a friend to me and make haste to help me in the daily duties of my vocation. I ask for all the graces needed to magnify the eternal goodness of the Lord with my life. Please ask God to bless me with true and holy friendships that will strengthen my discipleship and add zeal to my mission to please God.

Suggestion for meditation: Imagine overhearing Elizabeth and Mary pondering what the future holds for their boys. In your heart, join in the conversation and share with St. Elizabeth and our Blessed Mother a fear or hope you have for your own future or that of someone you love.

My soul magnifies the Lord
And my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour;
because He has regarded the lowliness
of His handmaid;
for behold, henceforth all generations shall call me blessed;
because He who is mighty had done
great things for me,
and holy is His name;
And His mercy is from generation to generation
on those who fear Him.
He has shown might with His arm,
He has scattered the proud in the conceit of their heart.
He had put down the mighty from their thrones,
and has exalted the lowly.
He has filled the hungry with good things,
and the rich He has sent away empty.
He has given help to Israel, his servant,
mindful of His mercy
Even as He spoke to our fathers, to Abraham
and to His posterity forever.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Be Not Afraid to choose Obedience!

During the Liturgical season of Advent, the Catholic faithful are encouraged to meditate on the Joyful Mysteries during their daily Rosary. This week I would like to offer my audience a personal reflection, prayer and a suggestion for meditation on the Gospel scene of Luke 1: 26 -37: "The Annunciation". This is the first Joyful Mystery.

In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a Virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the House of David; and the Virgin's name was Mary. And he came to Her and said, Hail Mary, Full of Grace, the Lord is with you. But She was greatly troubled at this saying and considered in Her mind what kind of greeting this might be. And the angle said to Her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God and behold you will conceive in your womb and bear a Son, and you shall call His Name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give to Him the throne of his father David, and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever; and of His kingdom there will be no end." And Mary said to the angel, "How can this be since I have no husband?" And the angel said to Her, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you and overshadow you; therefor the child to be born will be called holy." And behold your kinswoman Elizabeth is her old age has also conceived a son; and this is the sixth month with her who was called barren. For with God nothing will be impossible."

Reflection: The first Joyful Mystery teaches us to imitate Mary in prompt obedience to the plan of God. Tradition tells us that when the Angel Gabriel appeared, Mary was praying with Scriptures for the Messiah to come. Gabriel must been magnificent in both stature and persona! Was it his grandeur that startled Her? OR....was She shaken because She never, ever expected God to use Her to answer this prayer of Her people? We read that Mary was greatly troubled at first and had some (maybe a lot), of questions. Yet, with a firm belief that all things are possible with God, obedience was given immediately. Mary did not hesitate to say, "Yes!".
Prayer: Mother Mary, as we pray this decade, please ask God to fill us with His Grace, to be generous with His gift of courage so that we may be obedient to His Voice. May we always  answer whole-heartily, "Yes!" to whatever God is calling us to do.
Suggestion for meditation:  Place yourself in the Bible scene as an eye witness to "The Annunciation". When, in your imagination, you witness Mary say, "Be it done to me according to your word," ask the Angel Gabriel to give our Heavenly Father your permission to be used as He wills.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

God Foresees

Divine Providence:  Divine = of God    Pro = for    Video = to see, seeing

When pondering the awesome goodness of God, I recall a time when I would often be prompted by the Holy Spirit to do small acts of sacrifice or hidden generosity. I use to practice the discipline of giving until it hurt a little. I usually did this by letting go of a piece of clothing I was still enjoying.

I remember one morning gathering food and clothes for a local food bank.  I packed up the boxes and all the kids and began the drive to the church. On my way out of the house I heard in my heart, "Give $50.00".  A monetary gift wasn't part of my plan and I felt that I was already being generous, so I ignored this idea inspiration. As I drove I heard again in my heart, "$50.00". This idea that wasn’t mine, but it wasn’t going away. So, I thought about it carefully, rationally and came to the conclusion that I could not, for practical reasons, give away $50.00.  We only had a few more dollars than that in the checking account and pay day was few days out. I knew I would need milk, diapers and so forth. No, God wasn’t asking this of me. I carried on, turning up the music trying to forget that small persistent Voice.

 I arrived at the food bank and delivered my gifts. I climbed back into the van not feeling at all satisfied with my good will offering. I sat there paralyzed by an uneasy, guilt-ish feeling. I heard once more, "$50.00". I thought, "I’ll give them $25 just to clear my conscience".
Not knowing how I was going to explain this to my husband, I wrote a check for the full $50.00 and handed it to the volunteer. Instantly, I felt levitating joy! Having done God’s will, I wasn’t worried about milk, my husband or anything else.

Later that very day I received an extremely belated birthday card from my mother-in- law and a check for 50.00. Also, there was an unexpected rebate check for $50.00! My husband arrived home that night with a surprise gift card to a local restaurant given to him from his boss in recognition for his long hours. It, too, was valued at $50.00.

God had long ago planned on using me to participate in His providing for those who would visit the food bank. He had also previously set into action a plot to astonish me with an unforgettable lesson on Divine Providence. God had long foreseen every detail of this day. And every detail of this day, so many years ago, continues to remind me that God's care is real and that His generosity will never be outdone.

Luke 6: 38 "Give and gifts will be given to you; a good measure, packed together, shaken down and overflowing with be poured onto your lap.”  

Saint Anselm of Canterbury's prayer of an ungrateful soul:

O merciful Almighty Father, who pourest down Ty benefits upon us: forgive the thankfulness with which we have requited Thy Goodness! 
We have remained before Thee with dead, unfeeling hearts, unkindled with love of Thy gentle and enduring goodness. Turn Thou to us, O merciful Father.
Make us with our whole hearts to hunger and to thirst for Thee - with all our longing to desire Thee. Make us with our whole hearts to serve Thee, and Thee alone! with our whole zeal to seek those things well-pleasing in Thy sight! _ for the sake of Thine Only-Begotten Son, to whom, with Thee and with the Holy Ghost, be all honor and all glory, Lord, forever-more. Amen. 

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Hide and Seek in the Garden.

John 20: 14 - 16 .... she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not know that it was Jesus. 15 Jesus said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you looking for?” Supposing him to be the gardener, she said to him, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him away.” 16 Jesus said to her, “Mary!” She turned and said to him in Hebrew,[a] “Rabbouni!” (which means Teacher). 

Above is the Biblical scene I meditate upon most while praying the first Glorious Mystery of the Rosary, The Resurrection. I favor this conversation between Mary Magdalene and our Risen Lord, because it illustrates how powerful the sound of one's name is when called by Jesus.

 In the preceding verses we learn that M. Magdalene has already announced to Peter and John that the Body was missing. Not finding Jesus in the tomb, both Apostles return home to their hideouts. M. Magdalene, however, will not leave. She shall continue looking for Her Lord, seeking Him in the garden where she had left Him 3 days before.

M. Magdalene is distraught with the idea that someone could have carried Jesus' Body away and nothing will break her grief-filled preoccupation with finding her beloved Jesus. Jesus, Himself, compassionately approaches M. Magdalene and inquires why she is crying and for whom she is looking. Empathy & consolation is not what she seeks and therefore does not rest to listen.

Though M. Magdalene addresses Jesus, she does not see Him for who He is...The Resurrection! She speaks with Jesus, yet does not hear His Voice. Once His humanity veiled His divinity from so many strangers. Now, His glory veils His humanity even from the closest of friends.
Jesus names His creation! Suddenly, in that instant His creation knows Him! Only now, by the familiar call of her name does Mary see Jesus. When Jesus pronounces, "Mary", the Word communicates the fullness of their relationship.  He is recognized and they are reunited! You see, only Jesus Her Lord, could speak her name in a divine tone.....the sweet sound of God calling to attention and in His direction one of His own.

Jesus doesn't want to offer comfort, aid and charity to His Mary Magdalene. His intention is to reveal Himself to one who seeks Him. Beginning here, here in a garden....in a garden, just where Adam played the first game of hide and seek with God...Jesus begins the " finding game" ANEW!

More on Adam, The New Gardener and the Garden of Eden another time........:)

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Seeking His Hidden Kingdom

Where should a soul first seek the Kingdom of God?
Is not every sort of  Kingdom  found where the King reigns?

Like the buried mustard seed hidden in the dirt of a garden, Christ the King reigns hidden in the hearts of those humbled with holy poverty; knowing themselves to be totally dependent on the King's Good Grace. Christ the King is hidden in those who resist the seductions of vain glory and instead have surrender their lives to toiling in the vineyard of souls. Christ is found hidden in every tear that mourns over evil and sin. He is hidden in the interior lives of those with an appetite for holiness alone; yearning only to reflect the beautiful, perfect image of Christ the King. Transfigured in His perfection, Divine Mercy rules in the heart of every Knight, Lady and Bishop of the land. The intentions of every royal servant is purified in selfless devotion to the common good; motivated by sincere charity. Here, within the shelter of His palace walls of Truth, His children are not subjects of fear or anger or want..and they hide not... for they are a people of peace. Waging war with prayers, fasting and sacrifice against the enemy of souls; the militants of this Kingdom cannot be contained.

The children of God will preach the Gospel. They will baptize, serve, admonish and forgive. Come mocking, come hatred, come dungeon or come sword they will rejoice and be glad.They will be comforted and satisfied in knowing that their persecution adds to the Glory of Christ their King. And they will come to rule the world.

Monday, October 19, 2015

The Providence of Small Dwellings!

In imitation of Mary, I ponder in my heart the Biblical scene of Christ's Nativity.The stable in which Jesus choose to be born gives a glimpse of God's perspective on both worldly poverty and His Divine Providence.  In my prayerful imagination I step into the cave which our Heavenly Father lovingly reserved for the Holy Family. It is smelly, dank and dirty. It lacks comfort and dignity. Joseph enters first. Looking around he realizes fully his poverty and he feels his spirit sink.

Joseph and Mary had spent so many months excitingly planning for the birth of this new Baby. I imagine he used his carpentry gifts to design storage space for diapers, warm garments and toys. He even built a room, a scared space, just for Jesus. How beautiful it must had been - the cradle he crafted for the Son he would welcome! Joseph had been anticipating giving the divine Child so much. But tonight, after a long trip and a really, really bad day, the foster father of the Christ sits on a cold, stone, cave floor far away from the home he and Mary had done their dreaming as they prepared for the One called Emanuel.  Joseph is distraught over not having been able to do better; he wants to give his family the best of everything. Instead, they are cold, hungry and barely sheltered. He looks at his wife with eyes filled with defeat, remorse and grave concern. Mary, however, smiles back with eyes full of  grace, confidence and trust. With grateful awe She joyfully laughs, "God has provided, Joseph! God has provided!"

Once upon a time I lived in a big, beautiful, yellow house. My husband and I tried our best to use the Providence of this house to serve God and bring souls closer to Him. I would often say, "God gave me this big house, it is my job to fill it up." And we did fill our home with prayer, holy friendship and so much laughter on Sunday evenings.  For 6 years we hosted a monthly parish Family Rosary followed by a big Sunday meal. Then, circumstances changed and we had to give up that house and move into a smaller home. Another family, with a house just like ours, took over the Family Rosary.Though I was aware of God's constant blessings, I had the most difficult time detaching from that big, yellow house which held so many memories.

Many times over the last 3 years I have often consider hosting another Family Rosary in our new, old house. However, pride and doubt would push the idea away from my heart. Our present home is much smaller, lacks seating, counter space and bathrooms. And though I have always been grateful that God saved this house for us, I just didn't think it was good enough for ministry, broad hospitality and Community building. I thought my obligation to fill up my house for God was no longer.  Was I wrong?

Why would God desire less "filling up of Good Things" simply because a dwelling was little? Do not small homes, too, belong to God? He has even used impoverished caves to provide for His most important purposes!!

I believe my family is called to fill up our home and cover our well lived on floors with the feet of disciples of every age. I think Our Lord would be pleased to have prayer and laughter echo off our tired walls. Most of all, I wonder if Our Blessed Mother is depending on the Pirrungs to make room for the children She wishes to gather together in the Name of her Son, all for the glory of God and the good of His local Church.

The Family Rosary was the most beautiful part of the years we lived in the big house. And, I ponder if it will be the Family Rosary that humbles me enough to see this home,too, as beautiful.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

A trinity of attempts.

My first attempt at blogging was in 2010. It was to be a political blog entitled Defining Is. My enthusiasm didn't last. A year later I tried again with a new title; At the Corner of Church and State. It, too, would be political, but this time also spiritual. My zeal didn't last. 
Tomorrow, on the day The Church remembers Saint Theresa of Avila, I plan on posting my third "maiden" article. Saint Teresa, pray for me as I try to follow God's inspirations for this blog. It will last this time for I must keep a promise made to my dear friend, Linda J., to continue writing.

Linda, thank you for encouraging me to write about the little portion of Jesus that He allows me to know, and love, and serve.