Divine Providence: Divine = of God Pro = for Video = to see, seeing
When pondering the awesome goodness of God, I recall a time when I would often be prompted by the Holy Spirit to do
small acts of sacrifice or hidden generosity. I use to practice the discipline of giving until it hurt a little. I usually did this by letting go of a piece of clothing I was still enjoying.
I remember one morning gathering food and clothes for a local food bank. I packed up the boxes and all the kids and began the drive to the church. On my way out of the house I heard in my heart, "Give $50.00". A monetary gift wasn't part of my plan and I felt that I was already being generous, so I ignored thisidea inspiration. As I drove I heard again in my
heart, "$50.00". This idea that wasn’t mine, but it wasn’t going away. So, I thought
about it carefully, rationally and came to the conclusion that I could not, for
practical reasons, give away $50.00. We
only had a few more dollars than that in the checking account and pay day was few
days out. I knew I would need milk, diapers and so forth. No, God wasn’t asking
this of me. I carried on, turning up the music trying to forget that small persistent
I arrived at the food bank and delivered my gifts. I climbed back into the van not feeling at all satisfied with my good will offering. I sat there paralyzed by an uneasy, guilt-ish feeling. I heard once more, "$50.00". I thought, "I’ll give them $25 just to clear my conscience".
I remember one morning gathering food and clothes for a local food bank. I packed up the boxes and all the kids and began the drive to the church. On my way out of the house I heard in my heart, "Give $50.00". A monetary gift wasn't part of my plan and I felt that I was already being generous, so I ignored this
I arrived at the food bank and delivered my gifts. I climbed back into the van not feeling at all satisfied with my good will offering. I sat there paralyzed by an uneasy, guilt-ish feeling. I heard once more, "$50.00". I thought, "I’ll give them $25 just to clear my conscience".
Not knowing how I was
going to explain this to my husband, I wrote a check for the full $50.00 and
handed it to the volunteer. Instantly, I felt levitating joy! Having done God’s will, I wasn’t worried
about milk, my husband or anything else.
Later that
very day I received an extremely belated birthday card from my mother-in- law and a
check for 50.00. Also, there was an unexpected rebate check for $50.00! My
husband arrived home that night with a surprise gift card to a local restaurant given to
him from his boss in recognition for his long hours. It, too, was valued at $50.00.
had long ago planned on using me to participate in His providing for those who would visit the food bank. He had
also previously set into action a plot
to astonish me
with an unforgettable lesson on Divine Providence. God had long foreseen every detail of this day. And every detail of this day, so many years ago, continues to remind me that God's care is real and that His generosity will never be outdone.
Saint Anselm of Canterbury's prayer of an ungrateful soul:
We have remained before Thee with dead, unfeeling hearts, unkindled with love of Thy gentle and enduring goodness. Turn Thou to us, O merciful Father.
Make us with our whole hearts to hunger and to thirst for Thee - with all our longing to desire Thee. Make us with our whole hearts to serve Thee, and Thee alone! with our whole zeal to seek those things well-pleasing in Thy sight! _ for the sake of Thine Only-Begotten Son, to whom, with Thee and with the Holy Ghost, be all honor and all glory, Lord, forever-more. Amen.